RS3 is a brand new program for 3D analysis of geotechnical structures for civil and mining applications

RocTopple is an interactive software tool for performing toppling analysis and support design of rock slope



RocData is a versatile toolkit for the analysis of rock and soil strength data, and the determination of strength envelopes and other physical parameters.


Slope stability analysis software is a major focus of research and development at Rocscience. The programs encompass soil and rock slope stability, limit equilibrium and finite element analysis, and 2D and 3D modeling

and research application co. ltd



RS2 (Phase2 9.0) is a powerful 2D finite element program for soil and rock applications (RS2 = Rock and Soil 2-dimensional analysis program).


​​​​Dips is an unique program used for graphical and statistical analysis of orientation data

Slide is the most comprehensive slope stability analysis software available, complete with finite element groundwater seepage analysis, rapid drawdown, sensitivity and probabilistic analysis, and support design.


RocFall is a statistical analysis program designed to assist with assessment of slopes at risk for rockfalls.


Slope Stability

Vietnam Canada  transfer technology



RocPlane is an interactive software tool for performing planar rock slope stability and design.